Mexico City is a metropolis with a vibrant cultural scene. Artists, designers, photographers and chefs come here from all over Latin America to stay. And this dynamism is concentrated in the Roma district. Every day new bookstores, cafes, galleries, restaurants, shops and workshops open. If you come back in a few months, there will be more, there will be others.
Alvaro Obregon Avenue is the spine of the Roma district. At the North a most interesting urban landscape is created by eclectic architectural styles; the South is a more humble neighborhood but no less interesting as it keeps the same mixture of styles, colors and moods.
In this area, luxury coexists without fuss with the alternative. Here is the Casa Lamm with its art galleries and a landmark restaurant in the capital. Less than one block away, graffiti decorates walls and shutters and the food is popular, organic or both. Nearby, other landmarks such as the MODO or the Roma Market, with the latest in the culinary world.
The Roma is alive morning, afternoon and night. Cafes, bars, restaurants, pubs, pulque bars, mezcal bars, clubs and discos attract all the tribes of the city: elegant couples, bohemians and intellectuals, alternative artists, hipsters, students, everyone is welcome and everyone is accommodated. Welcome!