Is there anything sweeter than watching a child enjoy her ice cream or slice of cake? Her face with a chocolate moustache, her hands full of sugar, her eyes shining with happiness. If you want to have a special afternoon with your grandchildren or your children, all you have to do is spoil them. Tomorrow is another day, and the veggies can wait.
No one dislikes candy and in Mexico City, we are specialists in brightening up the afternoons of small and not so small kids. Mexico City residents treasure the memories of the ice cream parlors, popsicle shops and pastry shops our parents used to take us to. Coming home with a package from La Vasconia, La Madrid, La Joya, La Ideal, El Globo, Mazapanes Toledo or Dulcería de Celaya was quite an event. These traditional bakeries and pastry shops continue to offer us tasty temptations in the form of conchas (shell-shaped pastries), mantecadas (cupcakes), polvorones (Spanish shortbread), plaited bread or crystallized fruit. Still artisinal, they recall traditional flavors and offer a huge array of cakes for any occasion.
If you’re going out, you should stop for an ice cream, sorbet or popsicle. There are also temples of frozen confectionery here. In the center, La Especial de París has been serving ice cream since the 20's. Roxy’s ice-creams in La Condesa, are legendary, as are the ice-creams and popsicles at La Michoacana in Polanco.
Those with a sweet tooth will find heaven in the La Merced Market, with a section dedicated to sweets: alegrías (amaranth), cocadas (coconut candies), muéganos (caramel-covered candy), ates (fruit jelly) and crystallized fruit ... What do you fancy?
Take your kids to the pastry shop and let everyone choose something to fill up the tray. They will love seeing all the pastries together and that way, you can explain what each one is made of.
If you want to find out more about the secrets of some of the traditional bakeries and pastry shops in the center, take a look at this article from the Historic Center Trust. Sweet story!
in the morning or in the evening
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República de Uruguay #74, Col. Centro. 06000